Energy Balls

Have You Ever Read A Label…

Have you ever picked up an item in the grocery store and carefully read the ingredients and nutrition label?  If not, I strongly suggest you do, as you will be absolutely amazed at what is in some of the products.  I’m not just talking about what the items listed are (many of which you cannot say or recognize), but I’m talking about the sheer amount of unnecessary items listed.  Why do there need to be 15 items listed on a carton of almond milk, when I can make the same thing with 4-5 ingredients, and enjoy the flavor much more.  And the best part of it all, you have the leftover meal to dry out and grind up as almond flour, which can then be used to bake up all kinds of healthy, gluten free treats.   So, not only does it taste better, but I am saving money as well.  Unfortunately, there are occasions where I do not have the time or energy to make my own, and when that is the case, I look for the brand with the fewest ingredients on the label.  They say that you should do most of your shopping in the outskirts of the grocery store, as that is where the least processed foods can be found.  If you think about it, isn’t that where all of your fruits and vegetables are located?  Have you also ever noticed that once you delve into the depths of the aisles, some of the worst items are those located right at your eye level.  It’s like they are targeting you to buy the bad stuff. Oftentimes you have to really search hard to find something that is somewhat okay to eat. A few months ago, I needed to buy some pasta sauce.  Not all grocery stores have the same options, but most tend to have a wide variety of some sort.  I probably looked like I had been shopping for the first time (luckily, not many people were around).  If someone would have been there watching me, as I stood in the same spot for 15 minutes (or at least it felt like that), repeatedly picking up and putting down jars of sauce as I carefully studied the ingredients, they probably would felt the need to offer me some help.  I was trying hard to find one with minimal ingredients that shouldn’t be there, but mostly no added sugar.  Every one I picked up had some added sugar, so then the task became to see which one was the lesser of two evils.  Once again, I picked up all the ones that were still in the hunt, to then compare and finally decide on one that wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but was the closest to what I was willing to deal with for that night.  If I would have just made my own, I would not have been faced with such a dilemma.  So, I am going to encourage you to think a little harder about what you are buying at the store.  Take the time to read the labels; I read the labels on every item I pick up to buy. See what ingredients are actually in the product, many of which do not really need to be there.  Check how much unnecessary sugar and sodium is in the food; you will be shocked by how much of these two items you consume daily without even knowing.  Ask yourself,  is this something that I can make on my own with a little time and effort? Or, another really great option is to frequent a local farmer’s market, where you will be able to find all kinds of great, fresh products, and support your local farmers and community at the same time.  Check out some great items below that I have made from scratch with fresh ingredients.  Meals from fresh ingredients not only taste great, but are better for you.  You will feel so accomplished after you make a fresh, healthy meal or snack, and the best part is, you then get to enjoy the great flavor of all your hard work!